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Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

Dropping off your student for arrival

Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures
  • Campus opens at 8:15am. Students can enter through the Main Entrance, 10th Ave. Gate, or Bella Vista Park Gate.
  • The 11th Ave. Gate is for students taking the school bus only. Students will not be allowed to enter or exit through 11th Ave.
  • Students should report to the yard and line up at their classroom number/letter to be picked up by their teachers.
  • Late students must enter through the Main Entrance and get a tardy pass from the Main Office.
  • Expect delays during the first few weeks of school until everyone learns the routine.
  • Parents that wish to park and walk with their children onto campus must find parking and enter through the gates onto the yard.

Safety reminders: ALWAYS load/unload at the school side curb, we will not allow students to jaywalk across the street. Respect our community, do not park in or block neighbor driveways!

Picking up your student at dismissal

Pick Up
Walking Pick Up Car Pick Up
  • Walking families pick up from the Bella
    Vista Park gate.
  • Families wait in the park and staff will dismiss students.
  • Please avoid the front of the school to minimize crowding.
  • After 3pm students will wait in the Main Office for late pick up.
  • Families picking up by car will pull through our drive-thru lane in front of the school.
  • Do not stop in the drive-thru lane except for at the pick up point.
  • If your student has not been dismissed yet we will ask you to loop around the block.
  • You must be in the car pick up lane. We will NOT allow students to run into the street or jaywalk.

Make sure your student and teachers know what your pick up plan is so that they report to the correct pick up point!

Dismissal Schedule:

  • Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri - TK/K-1st - 2:35pm, 2nd-3rd - 2:40pm, 4th-5th - 2:45pm
  • Wednesday/Minimum Days - TK/K-1st - 1:20pm, 2nd-3rd - 1:25pm, 4th-5th - 1:30pm

Let us know how your student will be picked up by completing the online Pick-Up Form!

Bella Vista Pick Up Form

Early Pick Up

For early pick up, please sign your student out from the Main Office. Please bring any notes you may have to excuse the early pick up.

NOTE: Early pick up is not allowed the last 15 minutes of school.